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Level 50 epic armor graphic

Dark Age of Camelot Links
The Camelot Herald Links
Guild Links
Good sites with a lot of info
Map sites
Specific info links
Miscellaneous sites, news, boards, etc.
Dark Age of Camelot
Dark Age of Camelot
Dark Age of Camelot: Support
Dark Age of Camelot: Downloads
Dark Age of Camelot: Expansions
Dark Age of Camelot: Darkness Rising
Dark Age of Camelot: Catacombs
Dark Age of Camelot: New Frontiers
Dark Age of Camelot: Foundations
Dark Age of Camelot: Trials of Atlantis
Dark Age of Camelot: Shrouded Isles
The Camelot Herald
The Camelot Herald
The Camelot Herald - Map-a-lot
The Camelot Herald - Slash Commands
The Camelot Herald - Search the Guild Database
The Camelot Herald - New Frontiers
The Camelot Herald - Spellcraft-O-Matic
The Camelot Herald - Siege Weapons System
The Camelot Herald - Ream Abilities
The Camelot Herald - Realm Abilities Listing
The Camelot Herald - Catacombs
The Camelot Herald - Housing
Dragon's Talons (Pellinor, Albion)
Guild Listing for Dragon's Talons
Clan Battlebourne (Lancelot, Albion)
Clan Battlebourne - Original WebSite (Lancelot, Albion)
Guild Listing for Clan Battlebourne
Teufelhunden (Lancelot, Albion)
Guild Listing for Teufelhunden
Cinneadh Ord-chaith (Percival, Hibernia)
Guild Listing for Cinneadh Ord-chaith
Midgard BattleHammer (Merlin, Midgard)
Guild Listing for Midgard BattleHammer
Good sites with a lot of info
Dark Age of Camelot at Allakhazam.com
DAOC Catacombs
Camelot Vault - Chronicling High Adventures Of Good Knights
Classes of Camelot
Garek's DAoC Guides
Hib: Grania's Glade: DAoC
Map sites
(most, if not all, of these sites exist but are out of date - use Camelot Herald Map-a-lot for up-to-date maps)
Alb:Hib:Mid: Kirstena's Atlas - Complete Albion maps, also Hibernia & Midgard maps. Great maps!
Alb:Hib:Mid: Ceej's DAoC maps
Alb: NEW Mithra Map! - This is a map of Mithra with the new areas that recently opened up. The map was done by a fellow Clan Battlebourne guildmate. Thanks Bralet!
Hib: Grania's Glade: DAoC
Specific info links
You can find the Derida User Interface at either of these:
The Asylum, where reality ends!
VN Boards - Derida's UI - NEW Full Installer v2.40 - DAOC v1.89f Chat windows
DAoC User Interface Editor
DAoC-TB, DAoC-Charplan
DAoC Catacombs: Character Builder 2.0
Ehrayn's CraftSage Pages
GateCentral: DAoC: Spellcrafting
The Olde Apothecary Guide to DAoC Alchemy
Ars Magna et Ultima Arcanum: An Introduction to Spellcrafting and Alchemy
Celer's Siege Weapon Workshop (outdated)
Siegecraft HOWTO: A Guide To Pointing and Shooting (outdated)
The Faithful - Paladin Tactics
Alb: The Faithful - Kill Tasks