The Realm has been invaded by eyeballs! Actually they are called Watchers, and they are very curious entities. They seem to "attach" themselves to a toon and follow it around.

Here are 3 of them in Drune's magic shop Elven Enchantment. They "observe" the toon they are following, first from 1 side, then the other side, and finally from the back. Very curious indeed!

Here is one that seems to have adopted me!

And these 2, 1 attached to me, the other to someone near me...

Hmmm, and what are these 2 doing? Will we soon see baby eyeballs floating around The Realm?!?!

This eyeball mysteriously appeared in my house and attached itself to DeGambit while we were visiting.

DeGambit Teleported out of my house and the eyeball followed him!