Ancient Dreamscape scenes

These are some of my friends and myself on the
streets of Phantasus in
Tc Hammer, Byte Dancer, Nostromo, Bobbie, Daxx (that's me), and Jackpot.

July 96, Surprise Birthday Party thrown for me by Tc Hammer.
In attendance: ThoughtMaster, Duckolyte bobbi richmar, Tc Hammer, Daxx, duckolyte
Cindi-Golden Knight, Duckolyte Jackpot(seated), Duckolyte Jazmine, Galador, and
Duckolyte Nostromo richmar

Having a little fun one night (very early morning) doing some synchronized flying. I'm the odd one out, purple skin & cat head.

Galador's surprise birthday party
Galador, Teenie Beanie, Sam Clemens, Duckolyte Wing, 502, Duckolyte Wing, Bean There,
Bozzi, Daxx, Buzzerbean,
Duckolyte Jackpot, and Duckolyte Jazmine

Just having a little fun with the Halloween Candy vendo on
Temple street! li'l kt got the fun started and everyone else pitched in.
Prince Noghri, Bozzi,
Golden-Knight Veriman, Viperfox, li'l kt, Duckolyte Daxx

My Duckolyte Induction Ceremony on August 9, 1996
Jimi, Duckolyte Sr. Wing, 502, Duckoyte Wing, Sam Clemens, Duckolyte Wing,
Duckolyte Daxx, Duckolyte Jackpot, Duckolyte Lindy

These are most of the heads in my collection. They call me "SuperDaxx" when I wear this "masked" head.

Gee, I had a problem coming up with names for these guys. Did you notice that
we all have the same colors? Makes it sorta difficult to figure out who is who
if one didn't save names when they took the pic. Oh well, all I can remember is
that the 2 on the right are myself, Alienyte Dax, and Alienyte WAK.

Alienyte wedding:
Alienyte Melissa Magic and Prime Alienyte Wyld Karde, Acolyte Zippy, Prime
Alienyte Anti-Matter, Prime Alienyte Dax, Prime Alienyte Dilbert